A long-standing Charlotte Tradition that is continued to this day.
An archived Republican Tribune article dated January 5th 1956, dates the origin of the Christmas Kiddies program to 1906. Where members of the Charlotte Volunteer Fire Department delivered baskets of dolls, toys, mittens, and treats to needy children on Christmas Eve. A merchant group raised funds, and the Fire Department “Santa’s” made all the deliveries, first by horse-drawn wagons and sleighs and then by fire trucks since 1915. The Christmas Kiddies Program was adopted in total by the Charlotte Volunteer Fire Department in 1982. Assisted by hundreds of community volunteers, and donations coming from across the United States, volunteer firefighters have been responsible for fundraising, visitations, purchasing, packing, and delivering gifts to 400-500 children each year since.
Today the Christmas Kiddies’ program has 4 routes dedicated to the City of Charlotte and 2 routes outside the city covering our entire fire district.